Assalamualaikum, As an Accident is a part and parcel of our daily life we may face it at any time. Are you searching for an accident-resistant life saving app? So thinking of your accident as well as safety for the first time in Bangladesh we have launched/brought a life saving Accidental Mobile App which name is "Life Tracker BD".
If any Biker,car or normal people face any accident then automatically a phone call & sms will go to your registered relatives/friends/favorite persons through app's motion detector. For women security purpose, another feature/system has been added. If you press your volume button twice/thrice at a time, automatically a phone call or short messages will reach to your familiar persons. Beside this, you can get some emergency service very easily like Ambulance Fire Service or Police Service. Remember, "an accident is a cry for whole life". So install "Life Tracker BD" app at once from google play store. If you once login in your app, it will work even if you are out of your internet connection.